
Sunday 27 November 2016

Treatment of Joint & Knee Pain by Yoga

Knee pain is a very acute problem and quite common in the modern lifestyle. It is seen in case of aged, adult and teenagers. Knee bursitis, rupture ligament, torn cartilage, bone degeneration, use of drugs like steroids, diuretics are few of the important factors that lead to knee pain. Stiffness and swelling are common with knee problem patients.

Knee pain causes

  • Knee bursitis
  • Rupture ligament
  • Torn cartilage
  • Torn meniscus
  • Anterior cruciate ligament
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Gout
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Dislocated kneecap
  • Knee cartilage
  • Bone degeneration
  • Septic arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Highly active individuals such as soccer’s, athletes
  • Use of drugs like steroids, diuretics
  • Aging

Knee pain signs and symptoms

  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Weakness
  • Unable to straightening the knee
  • Odd noises
  • Facing problems in bearing weight on the knee
  • Problems in flexing and extending the knee
  • Fever

Best Yoga for knee joint pain

For the patient of knee pain, slow and controlled movement is required. If there is no or less movement, the condition may worsen. With the help of Yoga one can do possible stretching movement. Yoga is good to avoid knee injuries by keeping the knees healthy and flexible. Knee pain management through Yoga, in fact, is possible by stretching and strengthening the surrounding knee muscles. Yoga poses enhance the flexibility of joints thus helpful in knee injury and lengthening of nearby joint muscles. Here is the list of best Yoga poses for relieving knee pain, arthritis and knee injury.

Yoga stretching exercises for knee pain

There are many Yoga exercises, which are helpful in controlling knee pain. Knee pain control through Yoga under the supervision of Yoga expert shows positive result. Baba Ramdev Knee pain yoga module is also effective. One can see his module in Youtube. BKS Iyengar yoga therapy for knee pain arthritis is always beneficial. Here is the list of Yoga poses to prevent knee pain and knee injuries.
  1. Tadasana
  2. Pavanmuktasana (with one leg)
  3. Makrasana
  4. Swastikasana
  5. Januhastasana
  6. Ekpadhastasana
  7. Bhujangasana
  8. Dwipadhastasana
  9. Veerasana
  10. Trikonasana
  11. Virksasana
  12. Reclining knee bent twist

Massage therapy for knee pain

Massage therapy as well as heat treatment is good in overcoming knee injuries and making your knee strong and flexible. Massage with ayurvedic herbal oil followed by application of moderate heath with heat bag; make the movement of joints easier and simpler. The significance of Yog asana increases when it is practiced after heat and massage treatment.  Steam bath and sun bath is also effective in strengthening your knees and joints.

Knee pain home remedy

  • Drinking of the mix of ginger and warm water is good to ease knee pain.
  • Castor oil massage on the concerned part followed by bath with little warm water.
  • The mix of water (1/2 cup), castor oil (2 tsp) and honey (1tsp), when taken before going to bed is good in minimizing the impact of knee pain.

Knee pain Diet

  • One should take fresh and warm cooked foods.
  • Take light diet.
  • Avoid refrigerated and stale foods.
  • Wheat or brown bread is good.
  • Give weightage to green and boiled vegetables.
  • Fasting is practiced once in a week.
  • Lunch and dinner should be taken early.
  • Avoid eating chiku, bananas, mangoes and grapes.
  • One should take fenugreek, garlic, spinach and dates.
  • Avoid fast and junk foods
  • One shouldn’t take hot, spicy, deep fried and high protein diet.
  • Avoid cold drinks, soft drinks and aerated ones.
  • Overeating should be avoided.

Best knee exercises

  • Moving toes inward and outward lying on the back
  • Rotate your toes clockwise and anti-clockwise
  • Bend your knees and drag your heels to and fro
  • Bend one of your knee and drag the other leg parallel to the surface
  • March past just like as army men.
  • Quadricep drill exercise
  • Static quadriceps drill exercise
  • Lifting of the knee by keeping the pillow just below it
  • Dangling exercise
  • Static dangling exercise
Location: India


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