
Wednesday 14 September 2016

Mandukasana {Frog Pose} And Benefits

In Sanskrit the word “Manduk” means frog. In this pose your body posture is resembles to a frog, so that’s why this Asana is called Mandukasana. It is the simple Asana which can be done by anybody in all age group. In Yoga there are so many variations in Mandukasana, but in this we described two easiest methods to do Mandukasana.

Steps of Mandukasana (Frog Pose): –

  • Comfortably sit in Vajrasana (thunderbolt Pose)
  • Close the fists of your both hands.
  • While clinching the fists press your thumb inside with the fingers.
  • While pressing the navel with your both fists exhale and bend forward.
  • Hold the breath when you are in the position of bend forward and keep looking straight.
  • Stay in this position for some time (hold the position as much as you can), inhale and come back to starting position (Vajrasana).
  • Repeat this for three to four times.
Here is a second way or method to perform Mandukasana in simplest way, here the steps are follows: –

Steps of Mandukasana (Method -2): –

  • Sit in Vajrasana pose.
  • Place your right palm on your left palm; keep them on the navel.
  • Now press your stomach inwards.
  • Exhale and bend forward (same as method 1); and keep looking straight.
  • Hold your breath and position for some time.
  • Slowly inhale and come back to Starting Position.
  • Repeat this for 3 to 4 times.


  • Increases the quantity of insulin so it is beneficial for curing diabetes.
  • Cure the problems related to stomach.
  • It is beneficial in cardiovascular diseases.
  • Useful for flexibility of thighs and legs.
  • Reduces extra fat from thighs and hips.
  • It improves the functioning of digestive system and excretory system.
  • It cures the pain of ankles, knees and back.


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